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Adipurush's Day 7 Box Office Collection Is Disappointing: Prabhas' Movie Only Makes Rs. 5.5 Crore

 Adipurush's Day 7 Box Office Collection Is Disappointing: Prabhas' Movie Only Makes Rs. 5.5 Crore

Adipurush's Day 7 Box Office Collection Is Disappointing: Prabhas' Movie Only Makes Rs. 5.5 Crore

                                                  Adipurush is now screening in theaters with altered dialogues.

Adipurush's box office result on its seventh day was far less than stellar, as the movie only brought in Rs. 5.5 crore. This number is below what was anticipated and shows a drop in audience attendance.

The box office numbers for Prabhas' starrer have significantly declined on its seventh day of release, despite the early buzz and anticipation around the film. The underwhelming attendance raises the possibility of declining ticket sales or a lack of long-term audience interest.

The film's success in the box office is crucial for its overall performance and reception among viewers. However, with the relatively low earnings of Rs. 5.5 crore on day 7, Adipurush faces the challenge of revitalizing its momentum and generating stronger numbers in the days ahead.

It will be interesting to see if the movie can bounce back from this setback and find its footing at the box office. The upcoming days will play a critical role in deciding the success of Adipurush and its capacity to connect with the audience.

Industry experts and fans alike will keenly track the film's box office performance as it continues in theatres, hoping for an increase in receipts and a more favourable outcome for Prabhas' highly awaited picture.

Due to its poor visual effects (VFX) and informal speech, the high-budget, multilingual tale Adipurush has received harsh criticism on social media. Many viewers voiced dissatisfaction with the VFX, feeling that it was subpar for a high-budget movie. Manoj Muntashir Shukla, the film's dialogue writer, has also come under fire for the phrases he assigned to Lord Hanuman in the crucial "Lanka Dahan" episode and other scenes.

Adipurush has changed its dialogue and released an updated version in theatres in response to the criticism. The goal is to allay audience complaints and produce a more satisfying movie experience. The dialogues will be changed in the film in an effort to enhance character development and keep the story's realism.

The scrutiny of Adipurush's VFX and dialogues demonstrates the influence and power of social media in shaping public perception and driving changes in film making. As the movie continues its theatrical run with the revised dialogues, it remains to be seen how these adjustments will be received and whether they will improve the overall reception of the film

Adipurush continues to bring crowds to theatres despite the initial criticism, demonstrating the ongoing popularity and appeal of its star cast and the epic plot. The producers and creative team for the movie have responded to the criticism, indicating their dedication to improving the viewing experience and making sure that the movie more closely meets public expectations.

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