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Don't cry over what you lose if you don't fight for what you want. Be a voice for justice. #Implement_Manipur_President's_Rule

 Don't cry over what you lose if you don't fight for what you want. Be a voice for justice. #Implement_Manipur_President's_Rule


It is crucial to remain firm and fight for what we believe in when pursuing our goals and aspirations. We cannot bemoan the things we have lost if we are not prepared to work hard and battle for what we desire. In many facets of life, such as the need for justice and the implementation of the President's rule in Manipur, this sentiment is valid. The significance of enforcing President's rule in Manipur and the value of standing up for what we think is right are both discussed in this essay.

Strive to Get What You Want

The chances, desires, and goals that life offers us are innumerable. We must be brave and resolute enough to fight for our goals if we are to succeed in achieving them. Success and fulfillment cannot be attained by sitting about and waiting for things to just happen. We raise our chances of achieving our goals by acting, speaking out, and working towards them.

Don't Weep for What You Lost

Without making an effort to keep them, regretting the things we've lost is futile. We can't expect anything to stay within our reach if we don't make an effort to keep it that way. It is vital to realize that our choices and actions have a big impact on how things turn out for us.

Fight for justice!

Not only do individuals suffer from injustice, but also entire societies and communities. We need to advocate for justice if we want to promote fairness and equality. This entails speaking out against oppression, standing up for the underdogs, and working to make the world a place where everyone is treated with respect and decency.

Call for the Imposition of President's Rule in Manipur

The hashtag #Implement_Manipur_President's_Rule (Implement_President's_Rule) represents the voices pleading for the president's rule to be implemented in Manipur. The idea behind this call for action is that in order to address problems with state governance and administration, such a step is required.


We must be aggressive and persistent in pursuing our objectives in life. We cannot expect things to go our way if we don't speak up for what we want and what we believe in. Furthermore, fostering a just and equitable society depends on speaking out for justice. Last but not least, the request for Manipur to move under President's authority emphasizes how important it is to have efficient government and administration. We must battle for what we want and what we think is right because, as we must always keep in mind, our actions and efforts determine the results.

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